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Survey Says: Employee Self-Care for the Win

Textron Aviation shares how they used pulse surveys to uncover self-care was overwhelmingly the top priority for their employees. They also showcase how they developed a versatile set of self-care activities and resources that resonated with employees—and provide takeaways for your own well-being programs.

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The combination of unique challenges—from adjusting to job changes to dealing with a pandemic—has created a whole new set of well-being priorities. While simple in theory, sometimes it’s best to go directly to the source when providing help on tackling those challenges.

Presented by

Maddy Brown

HR Services Analyst Sr., Textron Aviation

Paige Ross

HR Manager, ESC, Textron Aviation

Julie Mallory

Sr. Marketing Events Manager,
WebMD Health Services

Top reasons to watch this webinar:

Develop a self-care campaign that resonates.

Discover how to secure leadership buy-in that increases engagement.

Implement valuable incentives and social connection opportunities.

Leverage employee feedback for future well-being initiatives.

Register to Watch Now

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