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Solving the Engagement Puzzle for Well-Being Programs

For many organizations with a well-being program, the biggest challenge often isn’t developing the program—it’s getting employees to consistently engage with the offerings. At WebMD Health Services, we’ve done a lot of thinking, studying and researching on this topic. Our latest e-book offers a 4-piece plan to solve the engagement puzzle. Read the highlights here…

Whether you’ve recently launched a well-being program or you’ve had one for a while, you might be asking yourself: where is everyone? You’re not alone. Many companies struggle with well-being program engagement at some point. Rest assured, there is a way to get employees engaged with your well-being program and keep them coming back for more.

Use these four pieces to help put your engagement puzzle together:

1. Personalization

Well-being is personal, subjective and dynamic. And meeting people wherever they are in their well-being journey is paramount. Offer a variety of programs for each dimension of well-being so that employees can engage with offerings according to their unique life circumstances.

2. Culture

A well-being program must be an extension of your culture. What does that mean?  It means that both corporate and well-being messages are in alignment, and there’s no “well-being washing” (for example, saying well-being is important, but not following through in practice). It also means that well-being is infused in multiple ways throughout the organization—through wellness challenges, onsite well-being coaching support, and well-being champions.

3. Rewards

Our research has found that extrinsic motivation, like incentivizing early connection points with the well-being program, is key. Timing is everything with rewards— for maximum impact, make sure to sync the reward with activity completion (e.g. Health Assessment).

4. Communications

It takes a lot of communication to inspire and sustain meaningful engagement with a well-being program. A “one and done” approach just won’t work. Instead, use multiple communication channels, highlight rewards and deadlines and, above all, meet people where they are with the right messages at the right time.

For help developing a well-being program that spurs your employees to make lasting healthy changes, contact us at connect@webmd.net.

Two female employees walking together outside of work

E-Book: Solving the Engagement Puzzle for Well-Being Programs

Getting employees engaged with a well-being program takes a concerted effort. But we know you’re up to the task, and we’re here to help. For more information on solving the engagement puzzle, download our e-book.

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