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Webinar: Mindfulness Matters—Navigating Stress for Success

Some stress is good for us; it keeps us alert and motivated to do our best work. But when stress overwhelms, it can quickly lead to burnout. In our latest webinar, Mindfulness Matters: Navigating Stress for Success, we talk about stress and its impact on health—and how a mindfulness practice can help.

We are living in an age of extraordinary stress.

From the after-effects of the pandemic to geopolitical conflicts and climate disasters, to work and personal stressors in our own lives, it can be a struggle to manage our daily emotions. And it’s not just our mental health that’s at stake. Constant stress has a real impact on our physical health, too, leading to or worsening chronic conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Managing employee stress is a business issue.

The physical and mental health effects of employee stress have a direct impact on employee health care costs. Stressed-out employees can also negatively impact organizational culture, productivity, and ultimately the bottom line.

Get practical advice for managing stress.

In this webinar, Gloria Felts, Senior Lifestyle Health Coach at WebMD Health Services, offers suggestions for how we can help our employees better understand and manage stress.

Watch this webinar on-demand to learn how:

  • Stress affects our physical and mental health.
  • We can identify different sources and symptoms of stress.
  • To practice mindfulness for improved symptoms of stress.
  • We can establish mindfulness practices in our daily lives to help us feel at ease, productive, and in control.

Don’t miss Coach Gloria’s insights.

Drawing on her 25 years of experience in the coaching industry, Coach Gloria approaches the topic of stress the way she approaches all health topics—acknowledging that all experiences, even the challenging ones, are opportunities for learning and growth.

To learn more about how our WebMD Health Coaches empower individuals to reflect on their own strengths and experiences to make long-lasting changes in their health, contact us at connect@webmd.net.

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We’re thrilled to share that Limeade has officially joined forces with WebMD Health Services. For existing Limeade customers and participants that need support, please visit:

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