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WebMD Coaches Share Why Health Coaching Is So Effective

Fresh on the heels of our six millionth coaching session, five of our Health Coaches recently shared why Health Coaching services have the potential to not only improve individual lives, but also contribute to healthier organizations. Read on for a summary of their insights…

Collectively, our 90 Health Coaches have over 1,125 years of WebMD service. This is not only a rarity in our industry, but it also means our coaches have been around long enough to know exactly what it takes to help participants make long-lasting changes to their health and well-being. In a recent video, several coaches discussed how an individualized approach to health coaching can bring long-lasting benefits to the participant and the organization they’re a part of.

An individualized approach.

Well-being is personal, which is why our coaches take the time to get to know each participant’s unique needs, circumstances and preferences. Coaches help participants identify their “why”—an effective tool for tapping into the intrinsic motivation needed to keep people engaged and create meaningful behavioral change. Armed with this knowledge, coaches can create goals that are realistic and specific for each person’s lifestyle.

Our coaches also meet participants wherever they are in their well-being journey. As Coach Thad likes to say, “We walk beside people and help them reach their health and well-being goals.” Some may be just starting out and need a simple plan to garner a few small wins—like walking every day or cutting down on processed foods. Others may have been working on nutrition and physical activity, but need to shake up their routine to move past a plateau. Still others may need specific support, like coping with anxiety.

Our coaches have training and certifications in numerous fields—such as nutrition, exercise, diabetes management, tobacco cessation and mental health—so they’re ready to jump in with whatever type of individualized support a person needs.

Benefits for the participant and the organization.

As Coach Anu shares, Health Coaching has the potential to create positive change not only for individuals’ health but also for the health of the organization. Coach Todd talks about the “ripple effect” that occurs when employees work with a Health Coach. They feel better at home and this improved outlook spills over into the workplace leading to greater satisfaction and engagement.

In fact, organizations that use Health Coaches as part of their well-being program often see higher engagement and retention rates. In the words of Coach Thad, “It’s a win for participants and for their company.”

In recent years, employees have come to expect employers to provide more support for their overall well-being. Offering Health Coaching to your employees is a great way to demonstrate this commitment. As one of our coaching participants shared, “This is more than just ‘Health Coaching.’ This is an organization making good on a promise to support and take care of their employees.”

To hear more from our Health Coaches on how your organization can benefit from coaching services, check out this short video.

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